Downtown Campus Orientation
Downtown Campus Orientation
Hello student, this is the Downtown Orientation, here you will find all of the necessary information for you to start your courses on your starting date. You have 10 days to complete it. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
Northeast L.A. Orientation
Northeast L.A. Orientation
Hello students, this is the Northeast L.A. Orientation, here you will find all of the necessary information for you to start your courses on your starting date. You have 10 days to complete it. Have a good trip and see you soon!
Orange County Orientation
Orange County Orientation
Hello students, this is the Orange County Campus Orientation, here you will find all of the necessary information for you to start your courses on your starting date. You have 10 days to complete it. Have a good trip and see you soon!
South Bay L.A. Orientation
South Bay L.A. Orientation
Hello students, this is the South Bay L.A. Orientation, here you will find all of the necessary information for you to start your courses on your starting date. You have 10 days to complete it. Have a good trip and see you soon!

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